The Commons Hub is a space where we will hold the questions of our time and context high and alive. Our world is changing and we need a paradigm shift on many levels.

Is private ownership still the best way forward? How do we share resources we all need access to, like space for working together and organising gatherings. Where can I find a home for my collective/initiative, with limited budget?

Often there are more questions than answers. In this space we will explore different topics on recreating commons and regenerating our local economy and our environment.

The Commons Hub positions itself within the wider ecosystem of builders, thinkers, creators, facilitators, active citizens, teachers and artists that ask the question: what else is possible?

There will be plenty of space for experiment, conversation and reflection and we dream of a space that is buzzing with creativity while at the same time offering time and space for stillness and deep work.

We practice moving from:

Privatising space to sharing space

The space will be our common resource, how do we steward and manage this shared space together? How do we all become crew?

Transactions to conscious relationships and communities

How do we nurture the relationships and the community in this space? How do we develop a culture of mutual care?

Monoculture space to hybrid space

How can we welcome professional as well as informal activities in the space and create a relationship with the neigbourhood?

Frequently Asked

What is a common?

What is a shift?

Is there a discount for the year

Do I need to be a member to enter the space, can I invite guests?

Can I rent a meeting room?

Can we organise a meetup there?

Get in Touch

Copyleft Commons Hub Brussels (ɔ)